
Autor(es) Olivier Bonaventure
Fecha de entrega Sin fecha de envío
Tiempo límite de envío Sin límite de envío
Etiquetas de categoría ethernet

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State of switches ports

In an Ethernet network, switch 32 has received the following BPDUs from its neighbours :

  • [R=9,C=21,T=19.2] on port 1
  • [R=9,C=12,T=42.1] on port 2
  • [R=25,C=5,T=25.2] on port 3
  • [R=9,C=5,T=46.3] on port 4

What is the BPDU that switch 32 will send?

BPDU sent by this switch

What is the BPDU that switch 32 will send to switch 19?